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About UsIntroduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

The machine change project of conveyor chain business division obtains the benefits of quality and Win-Win

          In 2014,the conveyor chain business division totally completed twenty nine technical improvement projects and obtains great performances by increasing production efficiency ,reducing labor cost,lowering work load,increasing work safety and improving product quality etc.

        The conveyor chain business division fully carried out the machine change project during the whole last year and already established welding workstation,domestic sales packing process line,auto reaming machine,P20SBF1 assembly inspection line,auto feeding multi-cutter lathe,energy-saving lamp promotion,press-punch in one molding promotion,core material punching promotion and applying turbo rolling equipment to reduce pollution discharge etc,which already brought a lot of production benefits for conveyor chain business division. The conveyor chain business division introduced two welding robot and one welding station and already obtained obvious performance.Firstly,it can increase production efficiency ,for example it can finish eight hundred piece weld for one type attachment per day but for the manual welding only can finish six hundred pieces ,increasing 30% efficiency.Secondly,it can increase safety factor. The welding job is very special and manual operation will cause a lot radiation to the body but robot operation with one cover protection.Thirdly,saving the labor cost. The manual welding easily cause human tired and then influence the quality but robot welding scar distribution very even and full which would increase the quality directly.

        The domestic sales packing production line introduced by the conveyor chain business division also obtained good performance.Before this,there normally need five or six persons manual operation from folding paper box,sealing,plastic bag,putting the chains and identifying the mark,taping,packing,sending to the pallet etc.,which spent a lot of time and labor work. After they introduced auto packing production line, the efficiency is improved a lot.Firstly,every step automatically increasing efficiency and in the previous,we need five persons and packing one thousand and two hundred per day boxes but now we only need three persons and auto machine we can get one thousand and five hundred packing boxes ,which approximately increasing efficiency 25%.Secondly, reducing the labor load and no any bad influence caused by human already.Thirdly,reducing the labor cost and only one time small investment can we save two person cost and realized the machine change people purpose actually.

       In 2015,the conveyor chain business division will further push the machine change people project in order to continuous increasing production efficiency such as hollow pin assembly inspection production line ,auto assembly line,flexibility assembly line,auto feeding multi-station(pulling,bending and stamping) production line,phosphorization production line and CNC group control etc.and if above projects could be realized ,the compete manufacturing level and equipment would enter a new stage in the future.

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